Social Initiatives Day

We want to share with you the extraordinary experiences from an event that had a huge impact on our company and the community - the Social Initiatives Day (CSR), organized periodically by our client, a pharmaceutical company.

At each edition, our client addresses pressing social and environmental issues. Each time, we create a creative concept based on the current need - there were libraries for children's homes, the "I Have Talent" campaign, and many, many more.

Social Initiatives Days are a major creative, logistical, and organizational challenge for the event agency. 12 meetings with a similar script start simultaneously across Poland. The preparation process takes several months, and every smallest detail must be meticulously planned.

We want to share with you one of those days. It was a meeting that changed the lives of many people. We organized 12 events simultaneously with children's homes, touching the hearts and bringing smiles to the faces of thousands of people across Poland.

Visits to children's homes were moments that will forever stay in our memory. We organized artistic activities, games, and fun that made the children laugh and filled their eyes with joy. We also didn't forget about the older residents of children's homes, providing them with educational materials and gifts that made them feel important and appreciated.

But the Social Initiatives Day was not just about delivering material goods. It was a day full of love, empathy, and community. It was a day when we all felt how important it is to support each other and share goodness.


Customer: Pharmaceutical company
The number of event participants: 260
Type of the meeting: 12 meetings with Children's Homes and Social Assistance Centers
Location: Across Poland
